The perfect ice cream when strawberries are in season, plus my addition of rose petals for a fragrant note (adapted from Lindsey Shere’s Chez Panisse Desserts).
Yield: one generous quart
• 1 ½ cups heavy cream
• ¾ cup sugar
• 3 pastured egg yolks
• 1 ½ pint baskets strawberries
• 3 small fragrant garden roses, unsprayed, petals removed and reserved (or a few drops of vanilla extract)
1. Make the custard a day ahead so it can be thoroughly chilled. Heat the cream with
½ cup of the sugar in a non-corroding saucepan until the sugar dissolves.
2. Whisk the egg yolks just enough to mix, and stir in some of the hot cream mixture to warm them. Return to the pan and cook, stirring constantly, until the custard coats the spoon. Strain and chill.
3. About an hour before you want to freeze the ice cream, rinse, dry, and hull the strawberries. Crush them fine with a potato masher (do not puree) and stir in the remaining ¼ cup sugar. You should have about 1 ½ cups of crushed berries.
4. Let the berries stand for an hour or so, stirring occasionally to let the sugar dissolve, then mix with the custard and chill thoroughly. Stir in rose petals (or a few drops vanilla) and freeze according to the directions with your ice cream maker.
June 2018
Recipe courtesy of Phoebe Cole-Smith, Farmer-Chef
Dirt Road Farm and PICNIC